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GAMBANG - On June 2, 2023, UMP Mandarin Language Society (MLS), in collaboration with the Centre for Modern Languages and GIFT Education Studio organized a CSR charity event on career visits and university admission consultations.

The purpose of this activity was to assist middle school students who are confused with their educational paths by providing them with information related to their studies. In addition, students can also learn about the relevant departments offered by the school in advance, and gain access to visit laboratories.

A total of 28 participants from middle school students and three leading teachers participated in this activity, respectively from SMJK Hwa Lian Mentakab, SMK Air Putih, SMK Tanah Putih, SMK Gudang Rasau, SMK Sultan Ismail 1, SMK Sultan Ismail 2, and SMK Sultan Ismail.

The event included visits to laboratories in four faculties at UMP: the Centre for Advanced Research in Fluid Flow (CARIFF), the Faculty of Science and Industrial Technology (FIST), the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FTKA) and the Chemical and Process Engineering Technology (FTKKP).

During the visits, the leaders of each laboratory passionately entertained the middle school students by introducing them with the advanced laboratory equipment, explaining its purpose and function.

The Fluid Research Centre enlightened the students about the discipline of fluid mechanics, while the Faculty of Science and Industrial Technology allowed students to try a series of small experiments. The School of Civil Engineering, on the other hand, focused on the introduction of the Department of Civil Engineering and the field of architecture. Meanwhile, the School of Chemical and Process Engineering Technology demonstrated the technical research to the students.

These laboratory visits granted the students the opportunity to experience and gain first-hand knowledge of the research facilities, scientific experiments, and academic environments in each faculty. Such experiences facilitated a better understanding of the characteristics and employment prospects in different disciplines, providing valuable insights for their future academic and career choices.

Following the laboratory visit, the Counselling group from UMP provided extensive information and guided them about furthering studies, helping the students to overcome obstacles in their future educational pursuits.

According to the interviewed participants, this trip opened their eyes and proved highly beneficial. The teacher who led the team also expressed heartfelt thanks to the event organizer.

Kudos to the participants and the event organiser!

Prepared by: Kang Mei Feng